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Date recorded Reference Disclosure information Status
15/03/2016 FOI/2016/6220/995 1. What are the main drivers for the Council Digital Strategy? Please rank in order of priority one to five Business Drivers Response: Financial Constraints and Budgetary pressures ; Delivering Better or Improved Outcomes; Business Transformation Goals; New Ways of working; Meeting Customer expectations; Central Government Policy and Legislation; Other,please state. 2. Does the Council's Digital Strategy state clearly desired goal to use more Cloud based applications and services? Yes/No etc Closed(Provided)
15/03/2016 FOI/2016/6213/988 Please will you kindly tell me when your strategy for tackling & preventing homelessness was last reviewed & if a mapping & gapping exercise was carried out at that time & if identified any groups who were excluded in your community? Closed(Provided)
15/03/2016 FOI/2016/6214/989 Could you please provide the following information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.Details of all current empty commercial properties within your authority which includes Shops,Office and Industrial premises,if possible on an excel spreadsheet containing the following information: ¿ Property Billing Reference ¿ Property Type ¿ Rateable Value ¿ Property Vacant Date ¿ Property Address ¿ Liable Party Name ¿ Liable Party Correspondence Address Closed(Provided)
14/03/2016 FOI/2016/6209/984 We are writing under the Freedom on Information Act to enquiry the following information: ¿ Name and email address of the decision maker responsible for swimming pools,Leisure centres,childrens play areas and water slides ¿ Name and email address of decision makers responsible for buying construction materials ¿ Name and email address of the decision maker responsible for the Council's Marketing Thank you in advance. Closed(Provided)
14/03/2016 FOI/2016/6211/986 I would like to make a Freedom of Information request. Please could you answer the following: 1) How much money was spent hiring external legal staff outwith the council to handle small claims against the council in: a) 2013-14 b) 2014-15 c) 2015-16 (so far) 2) How many cases they dealt with in: a) 2013-14 b) 2014-15 c) 2015-16 (so far) 3) An estimate of how many of the claims,in each year,were regarding potholes (please break down by year). 4) The names of the legal firms used. Please do not hesitate me if clarification is needed on any point. Also,if you do not collate data by financial year,please let me know so I can alter my request. Many thanks. Closed(Provided)
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